red sea diving
Safaga dive sites

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Safaga dive site guide, Red Sea

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Safaga dive site list and best dive sites


Always dive according to your level of training.
Check with your dive center for safety and level required for each dive site.

Salem Express wreck
Top dive site in Safaga, a gooddive tip!
In 1991 this 100m ferry boat which was on its way back from the Mecca sunk and is now lying on it's side on the bottom of the Red Sea.
max depth: 34m

Panorama reef
Top dive site in Safaga, a gooddive tip!
One of the biggest reefs in Safaga. Huge coral formations. Walls dropping to over 200m. Numerous grottos and overhangs, gorgonians and soft corals. Jack fish, Barracudas and Reef Sharks often visit the area. Even Hammerhead Sharks have been seen by early morning divers at the end of spring.

Abou El Kefin
Top dive site in Safaga, a gooddive tip!
The North has an interesting plateau and on its drop off beautiful black corals. Resident Barracuda schools and turtles. Sometimes Reef sharks can be seen there. 
Its Southern part has a drop off at 30m and at the outer reef different kinds of sharks are to be seen there . In the winter time Manta Rays glide up from the big blue.

Umm Hal Hal
Top dive site in Safaga, a gooddive tip!
This is a rarely chosen dive site in the South of Safaga. For this reason the place is still quite virgin . The North side is a drop off descending to 80m . Tuna; Barracudas, Turtles and Sharks can be seen there. Perfect place for drift dives.
The Southern part boasts beautiful coral gardens letting you feel a touch of paradise. A part has also got caves and canyons.

Gamul Kebir
The North of this reef has different coral heads with beautiful soft coral . This place is also called "Barracuda house" because a group of Barracuda can often be seen here. Stingrays and Nurse sharks are often seen here too. In winter time the strong wind makes diving impossible.

Tubya Hamra
Beautiful coral fields gave the name "Coral Garden" to this place. Its a great place for pictures and videos. Stone fish, Octopus, Moray eels and sometimes Eagle rays are seen there.
Depth 5 to 25 m.

Tybia Island
This small island which is also called "Sandy Island" is surrounded by shallow turquoise water corals starting almost at the surface and gently sloping down to to25m. The island is regularly visited by snorkellers and charter boats for BBQs on the beach. This spot is ideal for beginners.

Shaab Quais 
Two small coral head with lots of soft corals , Barracuda and Napoleon fish seen during morning dives. Drop off until 60m
For experienced divers only.

Saab Shear
2 km long reef with wonderful coral garden and caves. The Northern part is ideal for drift dives. The outside of the reef slopes down to 40m.

Shaab Claude
This small reef is close to Shaab Shear.A big coral head  rising up from 17m to 6 m is decorated with beautiful soft corals. Moray eels and sometimes Eagle rays are seen there .Maximum depth 20m

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